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时间:2016/10/28 10:53:56 点击:

GLB was released on NASDAQ on September 26th

The world’s first “block chain gradual negotiable virtual bond” GLB has made its first public appearance in NASDAQ today and arouses heated discussion all over the world.


From 2015 to 2017, there’re and will be more and more “debt defaults” happen globally. All of the main economic entities had been distracted by them, even with some national debts, local treasury bonds and corporate debts, specifically in the developing countries. If one unitary economic entity can’t deal with this issue timely, it may lead to systematic financial risk.


As a result, to find an open, transparent and convenient way of debt transferring has become an important issue for all the central banks.


A possible solution to this problem of the time has been offered by the block chain technology. Issuing a transparent “negotiable virtual bond” (a virtual currency with relatively stable price) based on block chain to avoid the systematic financial risks caused by the debt default via bond’s global public transferring has become one of the greatest financial innovations of the post “block chain bond” era. That’s exactly what GLB is.


Not matter in the developing or developed countries, all of the institutions can use this virtual currency or way to get the financing and pay the investors reasonable profits with the basic rule of “lend currency, return currency”. As for the investors, they can lend the currency to the reliable institutions to get the profits by its transferring.


From the prospective of legal supervision:


Firstly, GLB isn’t a bond but rather a kind of virtual currency which with no legal impediment to issue it. The investors can buy and sell the GLB in many virtual assets exchanges all over the world. The process of buying and holding won’t lead to any bond yield or debt relations, so GLB isn’t a valuable bond which enjoys a full protection by the law and regulations;


Secondly, the investors can buy the GLB via a public trading market and there’s no direct profit after buying it. But they can invest the GLB to the institutions that need it and get reasonable profit. There’s no law to regulate this kind of investment even in the global market currently, so there’s no policy risk;


Thirdly, GLB is issued by GP. But even the issuing party can’t control the orientation or price, its transferring via block chains is totally transparent.


Those institutions which use GLB to get the financing can set a buying price as their own indicator of financial settlement and offer the investors profits by the way of “lend currency, return currency”. So, GLB isn’t completely decentralized but “half decentralized”;


Fourthly, there’s no difficulty on trading the virtual currencies based on block chain as they have been widely recognized all around the world. There will be standard financial settlement indicator for GLB once any institute uses it and its price will be very stable and also it can be generally accepted by the institutions globally which will benefit the transferring;


Fifthly, the border-free market can not only share the counter purchase stresses for the unitary institute or economic entity but also make it easier to get a balance between the buyers and sellers which both can be helpful to deal with the risks of debt centralization. In one word, only the bonds can be transferred are the safe bonds. Therefore, the problem GLB will face isn’t if it can be sold out but if the investors are able to get it.


The birth of GLB is definitely one of the greatest financial innovations of this day and age. The perfect financial closed loop can be realized as all the institutions can use GLB to get financing or deal with the financing problems as well as transferring globally with the helps of the trading exchanges.


责任编辑:娄迪 来源:中国经济观察网
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